Secret Think Python Exercise

If you are reading this, you are probably working on the urllib exercise from Think Python.

Next, you should read the documentation of the urllib module at

Then go to, which provides information about every zip code in the country. For example, the URL

provides information about Needham MA, including population, longitude and latitude, etc.

Write a program that prompts the user for a zip code and prints the name and population of the corresponding town.

Note: the text you get from is in HTML, the language most web pages are written in. Even if you don't know HTML, you should be able to extract the information you are looking for.

By the way, your program is an example of a "screen scraper." You can read more about this term at

Sites that make money from advertising don't like screen scrapers because they don't display the ads. Using a screen scraper violates the terms of service for some sites; that's why this is a secret exercise!